WiFi Free Space Loss Calculator

I often like to do a quick FSPL calculation to understand how far a WiFi signal might travel and usually have to search around to find an FSPL calculator. So, I put my own together so save me the search next time. To understand what a signal level might be over a particular distance, simply select the channel you are interested in, enter the EIRP of your AP and the distance involved. Then hit the 'Calc' button: Enter Frequency (Ghz): -- choose freq -- Ch1 - 2.412Ghz Ch2 - 2.417Ghz Ch3 - 2.422Ghz Ch4 - 2.427Ghz Ch5 - 2.432Ghz Ch6 - 2.437Ghz Ch7 - 2.442Ghz Ch8 - 2.447Ghz Ch9 - 2.452Ghz Ch10 - 2.457Ghz Ch11 - 2.462Ghz Ch12 - 2.467Ghz Ch13 - 2.472Ghz Ch14 - 2.484Ghz Ch36 - 5.180Ghz Ch40 - 5.200Ghz Ch44 - 5.220Ghz Ch48 - 5.240Ghz Ch52 - 5.260Ghz Ch56 - 5.280Ghz Ch60 - 5.300Ghz Ch64 - 5.320Ghz Ch100 -...