Meraki Multi-factor Authentication

In a recent post , I was voicing my concerns around the existing default security method employed by cloud-wireless solutions to 'protect' administrative access to their service. In summary, I proposed that some type of multi-factor authentication should be the default method of access for administrators (both customer and vendor) of cloud wireless services. The current default of a "username and password" is too weak when considering the damage that can be inflicted on an organization by unauthorized access to any cloud-managed network. I heard from one of the guys at Meraki , letting me know that they already have multi-factor authentication. I already knew that they have an SMS OTP method, but I didn't really think that it was a particularly good solution. For instance, what about if you're out of cell-phone range or suffer one of those annoying delays in receipt of an SMS message? However, after taking another look, they also now s...