802.11 Roaming Variations Cheatsheet

I recently saw a very interesting post from Gjermund Raaen about Fast Secure Roaming, where he discusses OKC and 802.11r. This reminded me of some roaming issues I had recently observed with OKC myself, which got me looking up information to refresh my memory on a variety of roaming methods and standards. While looking in to the issue, I came across a classic blog post from Andrew Von Nagy about 802.11 roaming. It provides a superb summary of various roaming and security methods. I've read the post several times in the past, but thought that I would really benefit from a summary of its content to act as a memory jogger, rather than reading through the whole document again. For me, things get a little hazy when I start trying to remember the intricacies of the differences between EAP session resumption, PMK caching, OKC and PMK. To save myself some time for the next time I go through this loop, I put together a summary (Cheatsheet) of the content of the roaming variations ...