
Aerohive AP121 Alternative Power Supply

Got yourself a free Aerohive 121 AP after a recent training course or webinar? Got it home and found it's got no PSU!? Yeah, annoying isn't it... Get yourself one of these 'bad boys' off Amazon - bought one this week and works a treat! Disclaimer : if it blows your AP up don't blame me...mine certainly worked OK :) *** Update 11th October 2013*** Works well for an AirTight C-55 AP too!

Which iPads Are On The Network?

Sometimes you can walk on to a customer site and the customer may have iPad devices using the WiFi network. They may also have a range of different models, so that it is difficult to perhaps know the WiFi support capabilities available among their devices. In summary, to-date all iPads support 802.11 a/b/g and 802.11n on both the 2.4GHz and 5GHz bands. The 802.11n support is exclusively single stream, but the channel width that can be used has changed with recent models. Both the 4th Gen. iPad and iPad Mini support 40MHz channel widths on the 5GHz band. It is quite difficult to determine which version of iPad you have just by a cursory glance at the device. A very good way of determining the device type you are working with is to check the model number on the back of the iPad. It's a little tricky to read due to the small size of the etched-in font, but with a bit of a squint, you can just about see it. Here is a picture taken from the rear of my own iPad 2: By using t

Cisco 2504 FUS Update for 7.4 Code

" Cisco Unified Wireless Network Field Upgrade Software (FUS), Release, is a special AES package that performs various system-related component upgrades for Cisco Wireless LAN 2500 Series Controllers. If you are using a Cisco 2500 Series Controller and you upgrade to the controller software release and intend to use the Application Visibility and Control (AVC) and NetFlow protocol features, you must install Cisco Unified Wireless Network Field Upgrade Software, Release This release is not required if you are using other controller hardware models." This definitely worth noting if you are upgrading to 7.4, as the new AVC features will not work without it. Also, it is well worth attaching a console cable whilst doing the upgrade as it takes a long time (around 30 minutes). Without the console, you'll be sitting there with your fingers crossed, breaking out