
Using the WLANPi as a wireless serial console

One lesser-known feature we added to the WLANPi image in v1.7 is Wi-Fi console that provides a wireless serial console. As this isn't too widely known, I thought I'd put a video together about it.  The Wi-Fi console feature allows you to hook up a serial cable to the serial port of a piece of nework equipment, then get your WLANPi to broadcast out an SSID you can join from a nearby location. You can then fire up terminal emulation software on your laptop and access the serial port on the nework equipment from a more comfortable location. Note this is a standard part of the WLANPi image since v1.7 - you do not need to install any additional packages, just follow the instructions in this video to flip your WLANPi in to Wi-Fi console mode. References YouTube Video GitHub repo & further information

Understanding Wireless Client Throughput From a Wireshark Capture

I recently created a  video to look at how we understand the data throughput of a wireless client from an over the air Wireshark capture. We take a look at using the I/O Graph feature in Wireshark to achieve this. You can view the video below: References: YouTube video link Metageek Wireshark profile

Wireshark Showing FCS Fields as "Unverified" in Captures

In a recent Wireshark 3.0.6 capture I noticed that FCS values for captured wireless frames were showing as "Unverified". I wasn't sure why this was the case, as I'm sure that Wireshark usually shows a "good" or "bad"  FCS indication. The image below demonstrates what I saw:   After some googling, I found a note that the FCS check was disabled by defaut in Wireshark 3.0.x as some NICs report the FCS check incorrectly.  The following process details how to re-enable the check:  Go to Edit -> Preferences -> Advanced in Wireshark. Enter "wlan.check" in the search bar: Double click on the "False" word for the attribute "wlan.check_checksum". This will toggle it to "True" (make sure you click on the "False" word, not anywhere else on the line).  Hit OK and see the change immediately in your capture decode: Hope this quick note may help someone in the future (...