Useful Win 7 Command for Wireless

This probably falls into that category: " stuff that everyone else already knows, but I don't ", but I thought it was worth jotting down a few notes about. I recently saw someone tweet about the command: " netsh show wlan <various options> ", which I had never heard of before. After having had a look through the command help screens, it seems an incredibly useful command if you want to quickly find out about the wireless networks and the wireless capabilities of a Windows 7 machine you're working on. Much of the information can be found by poking around in various GUI pages, but this command line utility is much quicker to use and gives a greater depth of information. I'll just run through a few useful examples and then leave you to poke about in the help pages yourself if you want to know more. A great way to get a summary of the wireless networks that a Win 7 client can hear is to open a command window (...or a DOS box as I like to call i...